Podcast Guest Application Form

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Personal Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a high-resolution headshot.

Podcast Guest Information

Your biography will be used to introduce you in the first 15 - 30 seconds. Please keep it brief enough to be read in that window of time.

Episode Information

Please describe your area of expertise to discuss on the episode.
Please select which one is the most relevant to the Primary Topic. Sparking Imagination highlights disruptive and innovative solutions. Responsible AI discusses a principle, like accountability or health equity.
Clear Signature
The full policy can be found in the expanded field below this form.
Podcast Disclaimer and Consent Policy

Disclaimer and Consent

By submitting this form, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Recording and Distribution Consent:
    • I consent to be recorded during my appearance. I understand that the recording will be distributed and made available to the public through various platforms, including but not limited to the podcast’s website, social media channels, and podcast distribution services (e.g., Apple Podcasts, Spotify).
  2. Use of Name and Likeness:
    • I grant FAIH permission to use my name, likeness, and any promotional materials I provide in connection with the marketing and promotion of the podcast episode. This includes, but is not limited to, promotional graphics, social media posts, and website content.
  3. Content Repurposing:
    • I understand that FAIH may edit and repurpose the podcast recording, including slicing the episode into shorter clips for promotional or other purposes. I consent to the use of these edited segments in various formats, including video, audio, and written excerpts, for marketing and promotional activities.
  4. Promotional Materials:
    • I agree to provide any promotional materials or information requested  to assist in the promotion of the episode. I also understand that these materials may be used in conjunction with the podcast episode and its promotion.
  5. Intellectual Property:
    • I acknowledge that the content of the podcast episode, including my contributions, will be owned by FAIH and that I waive any rights to inspect or approve the final product, including any written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness or contributions appear.
  6. Research Purposes:
    • I consent to the use of the podcast content for research purposes. This includes analysis and studies related to the podcast’s themes and audience engagement, with the understanding that any research findings will be used in a manner that maintains my privacy and does not misrepresent my contributions.

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